The Lindens
Mountsorrel, Wednesday 18th May 2006
A rapidly assembled gang of villains gathered to warn off Derek Foster on his return to Blighty. Despite a wet and miserable start to the night Mary and Ron Tunks, Jan and John Muschialli, Pud , Dave Parry, Ben Crossley and Val Fosberry met Derek near his old stomping ground. His daughter Helen and family also called in to share the ribaldry and to ensure that the evening remained wet but by no means miserable by chucking out time. Most of these photos were taken by Derek.
Pud convinced John Muschialli that Derek looks better without glasses ...
... and better still if you close your eyes completely.
Derek Foster treated such remarks with disdain ...
... He has had many years of practice. Many, many years.
Ron Tunks was in danger of cracking a smile at one of Pud's jokes. ...
... Jan Muschialli realised Ron's memory is not what it was. Val Fosberry patiently recalled the first telling in 1962 and most of the 2,529 times since then.
Dave Parry asked Ron Tunks to check that the barber had cut his hair straight at the back. ...
... Ron wanted to know "Which hair?".
Val Fosberry and Jan Muschialli just could not recall any of the Foz Spot jokes ...
... or at least, that's what they told Mary Tunks.
When Derek bought a round of drinks ...
... the landlord had to ask how many Euros there are to the Pint.
Five Stars
Because my brother and his wife look better in these pics than in real life!