Founders Day
23 July 2006 - Friends
Not quite as much rain as last year, just enough to keep us cool.
Phil Barton (Kettering and District) and Ian Goodson had problems summoning up a smile ...
... they only just have enough teeth between them for a small grin.
Chris Vines claimed that Peter had bought more stuff at the autojumble than he sold ...
... and Pete Vines replied that he still showed a profit.
Phil Barton, Russ and Sue Pringle before raiding the autojumbles ...
... Russ turned down Sue's brave offer to check his pockets for loose change.
Allan Jarman (Flan) was at a distinct disadvantage under the low branches of the parking area ...
... Reuben Wesson had less problem keeping his cap on.
Margaret Wells, as expected, makes a much better photo then Ken ...
... Ken Wells always looks blurred even when sober.
I also saw Martin Sentance but missed Benny Caravelli, saw Colin Hill but missed all the others.