National Rally


Follow the chat on the NRR Facebook Page.

Now look forward to 5/6 July 2025

National Road Rally website


Our interactive matrix is 2024 data. It follows the 2024 system as defined by the Supplementary Regulations. Check it against the official documentation!

Terrific videos by Andrew Goodman and Paul Sewter and a cunning plan traced by Sooty.

News as we get it. In the meantime we'll make do with rumour, speculation, false news, alternative facts and wishful thinking.

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Bikes 2024

Above figures are up to 5 Jul 2024.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above and below charts are for entirely different data. There is no relationship between them, as far as we know!

Results 2023

Start of quotation Thanks for the effort that's put into the lpmcc nrr planner each year. I've been doing the rally for 5 years now and, apart from the first one, have always benefitted from using the planner, it is awesome. I couldn't plan the number of contingencies that I do without it. End of quotation

- Chris Toms

Start of quotation Just wanted to say that the NRR matrix and pages are just fantastic. Great to have such skilled people willing to give time to do this. Thank you.

Many years ago I learnt how to ride a bike in Leicester, when some of the guys from LPMCC helped out with the BMF training, back in 1982. Still helping out after all these years! End of quotation

- Adrian

National Road Rally website ACU BMF