Get Dropbox Data
Look for changes at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Make these in rallies.xls
Sort the new data to remove blank lines. Take care if there are line breaks within cells!
Use quicky.ahk (auto hot key) to add tilde (~) between Location and Event.
Paste whole file into here to reformat.
Look for errors and queries (???) and correct.
Geocode the reformat and corrected data for rallies.xls
Sort on Start, End and Postcode, transfer into rallies.js
Update home/data.js
Check the Rally Listing and Administration validation.
1 | Checks dates. |
2 | Removes unwanted column. |
3 | Splits Place and Event at tilde. |
4 | Removes leading rally number. |
5 | Removes quote marks, punctiation and duplicate spaces. |
6 | Converts well known intials to capitals |
7 | Takes http:// out of URLs. |
8 | Adds country code. |