The BMW Rally
Towards the end of September four Phoenix members agreed to go out for a club run and a suitable venue was agreed. That Sunday morning was warm and sunny so they hoped others would join them, but of course they didn't.
So the run started with four buds and three bikes, John Ireland on his Guzzi T3, Dave and Shirley on their Italian tin and Noel (broke as usual) on his trusty Yam. Being an organised sort of lass Shirley had already decided where they were going to stop for breakfast but also the proprietor had obviously been warned and didn't bother to open. So, stomachs rumbling, the bikes were rushed down the A5 to Crackley Bank where a Little Chef emporium was discovered. Ordering two number twenties and two number sixes they found out that Noel had come armed only with a cheque book and pen, so haggling over the exchange rate the hungry bikers paid him and gleefully pocketing the cash he wrote out a cheque for the bill. (Now you know why he is such a good treasurer; he's tight.)
Back on the road the two other bikers were kept amused by Shirley's antics on the pillion of Dave's T3 as she kept turning round to look at wayside things and point to them. Dave however wasn't amused as he struggled to keep a lot of money in a straight line.
On arrival at the Plough Inn at Wenlock Edge, Shirley was once again hungry and by the time the bikers had struggled out of the pub the rallyists had packed up and left. (Damned good job too, with this lot on the way.)
The run home was covered much quicker and a flooded road near Much Wenlock and Church Stretton managed to soak them (saves cleaning the bike though). The last stop was at Shirley's abode where everyone was invited in for coffee but being a nice chap Terry, who until then had been hindering Sheila with her homework, made them all tea and later in the evening a big fry up was performed by the two Crane sisters, with a little interference from Terry of course.
So those of you who stay at home and watch the telly instead of putting club points on your speedo, give it a go some time. You never know, you might end up requiring specialised treatment too.
Terry Reynolds (assisted by Shirley and Noel)