Bill & Sue Langley
Update profile.

Welding bikes back together in Cornwall.
Backup team on the Guinness World Record.
Bill enjoyed two periods at the Leicester Phoenix MCC. He first joined soon after the club was founded and was one of the people who established club traditions of good companionship and camping at bank holidays. In those days a particularly close friend and frequent pillion passenger was Nev Baum. They remain close friends who recall many adventures and hair raising episodes. His motorcycle at the time was an Arial Golden Arrow.
Bill rejoined the club soon after marrying Sue - well everyone needs a hobby. He was especially enthusiastic about club runs. At one time he owned a Triton but the bike that suited him best was a Suzuki 500. Bill and Sue supported all the club activities including camping weekends and Sunday evening gatherings at places like the Plough at Littlethorpe and the Fountain at Sileby near where they lived in those years.
Since leaving the club Bill had several job changes from smithying we knew him for. He has been a taxi driver - so has seen motorcycling from the oppositions viewpoint. He also manned the St John ambulance at Donington for some years.

Bill and Sue Langley have raised two kids who are now in their thirties and they are proud grandparents of Liam (get it? WilLiam)
After a period of poor health Bill received artificial hips with the intention of joining the reunion circuit to make up for lost time. Regretably Bill lost the battle with pneumonia .