Vintage MCC

Run-out 30th April 1989

We were informed, at our weekly club meeting, that the local branch of the Vintage MCC would be using our pub as a rest stop on their annual run-out. And so it was, on the Sunday, a few ABC members turned up early to watch the older machines chugging and wheezing, along with their owners, into the car park at the back of the Crooked Billet in Colney Heath, (Herts).

Most of the riders carried maps and direction sheets in plastic folders around their necks, or taped to the tanks but a couple had a roller with the directions written thereupon, attached to the handlebars, scrolling on as they passed junctions. (Food for thought if satnavs hadn't caught on.) Some others seemingly relied on pillion or sidecar passengers shouting at them.

A wide range of machinery was there, mostly in remarkably good condition, (cleaner than most of our bikes, certainly). Only a couple needed an assist when leaving.

Phil Drackley - Phil the Spill