Between events at the Paris Olympics, you may wish to catch up with new content added to the website over the past week.


Dragon 1964

Peter Elliot recognised himself and friends in the photo that Jean-Francois Helias added to the 1964 Dragon report.

We just need you to add the name of the fourth figure in the photo and tell us about the Sunbeam S7 combo.

Hans Veenendaal is dependable as ever and added a clutch more events to his Rally Listing. With one more weekend in July you can look forward to 89 rallies across Europe before the end of the month. Nine of those are in Blighty.

Race Badges

What better way to recall an exciting racing event than to return home with a souvenir badge to jog your memory of legendary action on the tracks.

Have a look at the 1484 badges now displayed on our Race Badges page to see if they bring back some half forgotten memories. Pagan Williams and Jean-Francois Helias added another 57 last week to light up your grey cells.

Founders Day

The Taverners' section of the VOC brought us another great Founders Day event at Stanford Hall. It still attracts past members to the displays of lovingly restored motorcycles. It's alarming that the bikes now considered classic and vintage are the models that stocked the dealers' showrooms when we started riding.

As well as many that we may have bodged in our younger days, there are always many unusual makes that we have only heard of from legend and some specials that really send saliva down the front of our cardigans.

Skype Night

Our Skype virtual club meetings continue on if you can drag yourself away from the Olympic frolics for a couple of hours. We will be featuring mental gymnastics trying to recall the names of past friends, heavy weight lifting of the fog that descends on our memory of old clubrooms, track events that lead from one subject to another. It's a team event and we reach the podium every week.


Embers cycling was especially good this week when we met up with Tony Bradley, legendary club chairman from the early 1960s. Seven cyclists and two on motorcycles visited his abode in Northborough and Tony joined us for a late lunch when we eventually arrived at the Moorhen after losing our way round Peterborough's Green Wheel. Photos conclude our July album.

We finished July with just over 1500 miles of cycling. Now we look forward to August 2024, and will start off on from Gunthorpe Lock. August is a five Thursday month but holidays may reduce the number of Embers each week. We are looking for reserves, so pump up those tyres and join us for a great day of fresh air, friendship, cackling and cake, laughing and lunching, walking and talking. Maybe some cycling if we must.

Big End Rally

This year's big club event is rapidly approaching. It all starts on .

You may still be able to get a ticket if you follow the instructions that slide into view on our report pages. August will be leaving it too late, so hurry.

Foz Spot

Two past club members were on their way to a continental GP on a plane.

Halfway through the flight, one asked his pal, "If this plane turns upside down, do you think we'd fall out?"

His pal replied "Nah, we'd still be mates."

As if you needed them, last week we added some uninspirational quotes to the Foz Lists.

We've had a barrel of fun with the Foz Spots, but now we are beginning to scrape it. Please send jokes.