Rally Badges
From A to Z
Motorcycle Rallies are a great way to combine motorcycle touring, camping, boozing and socialising with fellow bikers.
As well as organising the Big End Rally the Leicester Phoenix Motorcycle Club members have enjoyed rallying since the first Dragons in the early sixties.
Here is a gallery of rally badges from members and friends spanning the years. If you have badges and photos please scan them and send them in. We will also include your stories about motorcycling and try to put you in touch with old friends.
Badges for E, EWD, Eagle, Eagle Has Flown, Eagle Has Landed, Eagles Overnighter, East Essex, East European, East Of Essex, Easter, Easter , Easter Bunny, Easter Millen, Eastern Buccaneer, Eastern Buccaneer Treffen, Eauze, Ebingen, Eckernforde, Eclipse, Edelweiss, Edenkoben, Edge, Edge Rally At The, Edwardstone Foot In The Mouth, Ee Fuckin Haw, Eefde Bart Rit, Eenhoorn, Eerste, Effingham, Ehlange, Ehlange Mess, Ehlhalten, Ehrennadel, Eichsfeld, Eifel-Erlebnis, Eight Castles, Eilean Dubh, Eilenriede, Eilenriede Rennen, Ein mal Anders, Eisbar, Eisbaren, Eiswolftreffen, El Corb Albal, El Escorial, El Puig, Elaltet, Elan, Elche, Elefant, Elfsteden Sterrit, Elk Road Riders, Ellenborough Falls, Ellezelles, Els Alfacs, Elsrennen Buxheim, Elver, Elversberg, Elverum, Emden, Emerald, Emmendingen, Empelopsis, Empoli, Empty Barrel, Empty Glass, Empuria, Emsland, Emu, End Of Century, End Of Summer, End Of The Road, End To End, Enfoires, Engelburg, Ennepetal, Enns, Enotria, Enten, Envahisseurs, Enzian, Epernay, Eponges, Eppelheim, Epping Forest, Erba, Erding, Erdmannhausen, Erfurt, Erfurt-Suhl, Erich Zanoni, Erkner, Erlangen, Esbern Snare, Escala, Escargots, Escuderia, Eso, Esplugas, Essen, Este, Estepona, Estrella, Estropies, Etangs Rallye des, Eterna, Eternal Hog's Party, Etna, Ettelbruck, Ettetal, Ettlingen, Eulen, Eupen, Euro, Euro Demo, Europa, Europaisches, European Motorcyclists for Christ, Eutin, Ever, Evergem, Ex, Exe and Exe rallies.
Ben Crossley, Webmaster.
Read the FAQ advice for sending pictures. There is also a useful entry in the 15 October 2010 Blog about photographing badges.