Rally Badges
From A to Z
Motorcycle Rallies are a great way to combine motorcycle touring, camping, boozing and socialising with fellow bikers.
As well as organising the Big End Rally the Leicester Phoenix Motorcycle Club members have enjoyed rallying since the first Dragons in the early sixties.
Here is a gallery of rally badges from members and friends spanning the years. If you have badges and photos please scan them and send them in. We will also include your stories about motorcycling and try to put you in touch with old friends.
Badges for O Gaiteiro, OHT, OTR, OVC Fahrt, Oasis, Oatcake, Ober Erlenbach, Oberallgauer, Oberaltertheim, Oberbechingen, Obergimpern, Obergunzburg, Oberhausen, Oberjoch, Obernai, Oberstaufen, Obertsrot, Oberturkheim, Oberviechtach, Obing, Obinger, Ochsenfelder, October Odissey, Octopus, Odenheim, Odenwaldring, Oderzo, Oelbronn, Off The Rails, Off Yer Sprocket, Offa's Dyke, Offenbach, Offshore, Ogens, Ogri, Ogri , Oil Ya Nuts, Olbernhau, Olbernhauer Treffen, Old Skool, Old Sods, Old Time, Old Timer, Old Timers Hull, Old Tom, Oldehove, Oldehovetreffen, Oldenburg, Oldie Ausfahrt Kierberg, Oldie Fahrt Berlin, Oldie Gun Gun, Oldtimer, Oldtimer Adenau, Oldtimer Apoldaer Schlosstreffen, Oldtimer Club Poland, Oldtimer Cup Westfalen Lippe, Oldtimer Enzenstetten, Oldtimer Festival Nurburgring, Oldtimer Freunde Zaisertshofen, Oldtimer GP Nurburgring, Oldtimer Hademarschen, Oldtimer Ig Ellrichshausen, Oldtimer Kitzingen, Oldtimer Konigsbrunn, Oldtimer Kriebstein, Oldtimer Meeting Hannover, Oldtimer Minden, Oldtimer Nurburgring, Oldtimer Rotenburg, Oldtimer Steden, Oldtimer Stockheim, Oldtimer-Fahrt Rhein-Main, Oldtimere Maikammer, Olesa, Olginate Sondrio, Oloron, Oloron Sainte Marie, Olten, Ome Loeks, On The Go In Idaho, On The Road Again, On The Rock Again, One In The Eye, One Up, Only Flat On The Bottom, Ooievaars, Oosser, Oostakker, Ootmarsum, Ophidiens, Orange, Orballo, Orbassano, Orchies, Oregon, Oristano, Orleans, Orly, Ormea, Oropa, Oroppavercelli, Orvieto, Orwell, Oslo, Ossola, Ossola Antrona, Ostend, Ostiglia, Other Side Of The Moon, Otono, Otto's Outings, Oud & Nieuw, Oude Klepper Glorie, Oudennarde, Oulens Villars-Le-Comte, Oursons, Out Of Time, Out Yer Tree, Outriders, Outriders Bicentennial, Over The Edge, Over The Hill, Overnighter Hemet, Overnighter Poway, Owl, Owls About Arally, Ox, Ox Roast, Oyonnax and Oyster rallies.
Ben Crossley, Webmaster.
Read the FAQ advice for sending pictures. There is also a useful entry in the 15 October 2010 Blog about photographing badges.