Chase Rally

Another rally that glows with amnesia. It was held somewhere in Cannock Chase and was a short ride along the A5 from Leicester. Terry Reynolds described the third Chase Rally 1976 and the fourth in Megaphone.

1976 Chase Rally: Rodney Taylor in check shirt, Bill Hills in badged waistcoat, Brighton Bob's head, Dave Honneyman in sleeveless tee shirt. Sue Slater I think, sitting down. Boris maybe in flying jacket...

Heather MacGregor

Ray Shepherd of the Hednesford MCC brought us into the 21st Century with the following update.

Start of quotation Nice to see the old Chase Rally badges on show. Hednesford Rally is now called Stags 'n' Slags. 2004 is its tenth year and some of the old members from Chase Rally days help run it.

The Chase Rally site is now part of the M6 Toll road.

I have tried to ask Brian, if he still has photos of these rallies. About a hour later I got to the bar for a refill none the wiser. This man can talk. So if you do phone him it will not be a five minute call.

End of quotation

- Ray Shepherd

Keep working on Brian for us Ray. Sorry we cannot sponsor you with the necessary beer money.

1976 Chase Rally: Phil Hogg on table singing, next to Alan Giddens in White Swan tee shirt. Others as above.

Heather MacGregor

Les Hobbs had life easy on one Chase Rally as he recounts here.

Start of quotation Held at Chase Terrace Leisure Park or for the select few at Phil & Christine Hogg's.

Well we had been here before. A very central rally, not a million miles to go, just off the A5 heart of the midlands. But now we had friends, Phillip and Christine Hogg, long time ralliests from Birmingham who were recently married and moved to Chase Terrace. So when the offer came through "crash at our place", just what are you going to say? It's hard to refuse friends, and besides that, you don't have to put the tent up, cook, wash up or freeze.

We had attended the Hendsford M.C.C. rally the previous year and had a great time. In fact we used a small public house in the village the Crown or the Globe, something like that, where, when a small amount of bother started the previous year, we policed the problem and were held in great esteem by the aged landlords who remembered us. So on the Saturday night we had no problem finding a watering hole as there appeared to be hundreds of ralliest flooding the small village.

We had signed in and left our bikes on the camp site. After a tour of the camp meeting other mates and a few laughs we went for a dinner time pint and a game of crib. One of our crowd, Tony Cormack, was notoriously tight. So it finished up with Alan Giddings, Sid Beaumont and myself all cheating, just to take a few bob off Tony who didn't have a clue that we were in collusion.

The night time was the normal blur brought about by vast amounts of ale that we never complained about and then it was back to Phil and Christine's where a few more tin's were opened. Then, before you know it, it's time for bed. Phil had already sloped of to his bed and we were all finding our own spots in the living room when suddenly Phil, in his under pants, was thrown down the stairs by the females of the group, followed by a sleeping bag. The girls had taken over the upstairs. Next thing you know everybody is scrambling for a space, in their underwear, and bouncing around wrestling and an air-bed went bang, howls of laughter, none louder than Dave Wood's who was then informed that it was his air-bed that had bit the dust - even more laughter! End of quotation

- Les Hobbs


1976 Chase Rally: Me, Paul Mullis, Steve Cawthorne, Pete Sanders' German girlfriend, Pete Sanders

Heather MacGregor

Dave Honneyman was there and here is the proof.

Start of quotation I remember Christine Hogg and my wife (to be) Chris Honneyman, both worse for wear, giving an excellent rendition of "Alouette" from the top of a piano in the local pub......

We too stayed at Chris 'n' Phil Hogg's house, and remember Phil getting pushed down the Open Staircase! End of quotation

- Dave Honneyman

Nice to see the old Chase Rally badges on show. Hednesford Rally is now call Stags 'n' Slags. 2004 is its tenth year and some of the old members from Chase Rally days help run it.