2024 Cycling

Aprilclick for this month's league table

Overstone Arms, Pytchley

VJ led us on a punishing ride over the Northants border hills, setting up a cracking pace on the pretty route to Pytchley. Appropriately the route included a stop at Revive in Desborough.

The eight Embers who met at East Carlton Park aced the weather again, dodging the showers until we were safe and dry inside the Overstone Arms, when rain poured down.

Nice ride today. Met Mush in Thrussington, coffee at Hilltop Farm where we were joined by Ian 2. Lunch in the Blue Bell, Hoby, then back to Mush's for tea and cake.
PS. Don't tell Mick about the cake.

- Ian Bower

This week many Embers cycled miles although it seemed much further.

Queens Head, Newton Regis

Out with the Embers today on what turned out to be 29+ mile cycle ride.Struggled a bit on our return to starting point but the guys looked out for me and grit my teeth and worked through the bad patches. Thanks guys.

- Wishbone

Our first spring day suitable for fingerless gloves and kneeless trousers. Simon took us back to the Queens Head at Newton Regis for a remarkably good value lunch. The day was bookended with tea or coffee at Sutton Wharf.

This week many Embers cycled miles between them.

The Plough, Wysall

Velo John led ten Embers on a route north from Ian’s at Syston to Wysall for lunch. The route took in Thrussington where we met Mush and where Mick left the group as he was there today just as a try out. Problems then occurred for Grahame just as we left Thrussington as his derailleur broke and he had to return home. The rest carried on, thankfully without further mishap, apart from a front tyre puncture for Derek just as we entered Wysall.

An excellent lunch was had at the Plough and we were joined by Mick and Richard Sleath who came by car. Nigel then guided us back to Barrow on Soar where we had a coffee break at Freckles café. All then that remained was to work our way home.

- Simon Over

Four Embers took a vacation in Suffolk to have a break from their usual exhertions. This week's rides were on Saturday and Sunday, both 19 mile, so take your pick. These pics were taken on the Saturday ride to Southam.

This week many Embers cycled miles between them.

Red Lion, Thornby

Another great day out. Cold and sunny early on, but warmer and cloudy later with no rain, perfect. VJ took five other embers from Lutterworth south to a new pub; The Red Lion at Thornby. The route included a long bridleway at the back of Stanford Hall. Again well navigated. The return journey was quite conventional going by Welford and South Kilworth back to the Karters coffee shop in Lutterworth.

Grahame and Ian accompanied by Mick decided to cycle locally.

-Simon Over

Although the four holiday Embers cycled on Thursday, they claimed the 30 miles cycled on Monday to RSBP Minsmere. The toughest part was the pebble beach.

This week many Embers divided into three groups and again cycled miles in total.

Better days