Ember Miles
Fourteen Embers were members of the Leicester Phoenix MCC. A total of 39 riders have cycled with us at one time or another. Adding up all the miles on all of our rides since 20 April 2011 comes to over 100,000 miles!
Click on a heading to sort the table by that column or reverse the order.
Ember | Joined | Rides | Miles | Av. | P.B. | Date |
Chart showing the total number of Embers on official rides each month. Tables and graphs do not include bad weather alternative walks.
Total miles each month includes Embers on acceptable unofficial rides.
ie more than one Ember taking part.
(because our objective is social as much as physical)
Embers' Tours in early spring account for peaks. There is also variation simply because of four or five Thursdays in a month.
Chart of individual performance for recently active Embers. The red line represents rides in the year, green line is miles. Thin lines are the maximum rides and standard miles.