Past Member List Key

Lists are provided in first name, surname and years of membership order. As the lists are generated on the fly they may take a minute to appear.

Put a name to the faces shown on the Wanted Posters.

Known members by year

 Light Blue  indicates members whose names are recalled.
 Bright Blue  are past members who are in contact.

The graph tails off for three reasons:

It is amazing that such a high proportion are still in contact and many still motorcycling!

The list of membership years is useful if you want to check the names of friends who were at the club at the same time as you.

Hover the pointer over a name to see a short profile including bikes and a photo, if available.

Click on a name to see an update profile of the past member telling what has been happening since leaving the club. If there is no further information then a submission form appears.

So far past members can be contacted using a pop-up message form by clicking the symbol to the left of the name.

This past member uses Skype voice over internet so click the icon to make a free call.

Messages are forwarded by email so include a return email address.

Sent by Royal Mail so include your phone number or postal address.

Include your return address in the message body. You will be informed when the message has been sent.

If your name is not marked as in contact or missing please let know who and where you are. All your old buddies want to hear from you.

Recall the face but not the name? Go to the Rogues Gallery.