Highland Fling
19th February 1988 - Prowlers BC
I had more time at this year's Highland Fling, not having to work on the Friday night. Becky had recovered from the muddy jeans incident in Yorkshire, but had packed spare clothing for this weekend, even though it was a lot closer to home.
This year the rally was across the other side of the M25 from where it had been and in the field that it remained for the rest of its run.
Somebody arrived on his bike wearing a kilt, but later admitted he changed into it just around the corner.
Friday night passed into the usual mix of beer and music, with a smattering of drunken dancing/lurching around the marquee thrown in for good measure. Becky made it her business to check out the sporrans of anyone wearing one, (as it happens, only Charlie Cobbe that night).
On The Saturday, the VLF, (Vegetable Liberation Front), started up their traditional Pig Roast, (obviously didn't trust the burger kitchen).
Eventually, the games started, as last year, these were Musical Bikes, Pipe-Bagging and Caber Tossing, (these seemed larger than last year). Following these, most people had a rest to prepare for the evening's onslaught.
Ivor's Jivers once again provided the Live music, and there was a suitable interval part-way through for the night-time contests. The eating/drinking substances were as disgusting as usual, and the participants in the wet clothing, (or, absence of clothing, due to the inadvisability of covering people with water in February weather), were suitably keen to impress. In fact, only one of the four girls declined to give us a full show.
The music came back and was well received. Eventually they did their final number and the disco took over for the last few hours.
Some people got a bit messy, including one Pete Snow who, as a result of the lack of his usual favourite mud covering, made do with what looked like charcoal on his face, while others resorted to shaving foam and straw.
Sunday morning started out a bit cold and damp but, due to the shortness of the journey home, this was not too much of a problem.
- Phil (the Spill) Drackley