Shakespeare Rally

This winter Axel Bodeit drove his Moto Guzzi T4 and I was his passenger in the sidecar. Early in the morning on Friday, 3 January 1992, our journey began for England.

THE SHAKESPEARE MOTORCYCLE CLUB has pleasure in inviting you to their 1992 Winter Rally 'KING JOHN' January 3rd - 5th, 1992, (£5) at The Gaydon Inn, Gaydon, midway between Warwick and Banbury on the B4100 (formerly A41), junction 12 on the M40.

There is nothing worth mentioning about our outward journey. Then two evenings in the pub, as every year, in good company by the open fireplace with a pint or two. However, the journey home on Sunday would be a little different from what is normally the case.

In Dover, Axel filled up the Moto Guzzi again. In the port we were allowed to pass the line of cars until we pulled up to the loading ramp of the ferry.

Since it was raining heavily, we kept our rain suits on.

The loading workers let every car drive into the ferry first. We stood there in the open without a roof and were then allowed to drive in last. While we were lashing our outfit, the ferry cast off.

We then took off our rain suits and Axel noticed that his wallet with money and documents was lost. He had probably accidentally stuck it between the rain suit and leather suit after refueling. Apparently, unnoticed, it slipped down the leg and got lost.

That could be exciting, there were now three national borders in front of us without Axel's documents.

In Calais, snow was already mingling with the rain. Fortunately, while unloading the ferry, the customs officers waved us through without checking.

Next the border station between France and Belgium. In heavy sleet we drove up to the small border house where the customs officers were sitting. They shook their heads. They didn't even want to open the sash window let alone leave the heated room. They waved us through without control.

We thought great, at the next border between Belgium and Germany they can understand our language.

Somewhere on the Belgian motorway, the lights on the Moto Guzzi went out because of the sleet and salt on the streets.

Axel drove to a rest stop and started looking for the fault. Meanwhile, I thought driving on the highway at night without lights was life-threatening and looked for a piece of lawn on which we could pitch our tent. But Axel at least made it onto the parking light to get going. So we drove on and the illuminated motorways in Belgium were a big advantage.

At the home border we were waved through without being checked. For us that meant a 100km drive from the border in Aachen, about an hour's drive home.

Arrived there Monday morning at 1:00am, first a hot shower and then to bed.

But unfortunately the alarm went off at 6:00am and work was calling because the money for such beautiful tours has to come from somewhere.

Oh yes, we also received the tankard for the longest journey from the Continent, and we won another award. However, I no longer recall what for. I believe it represents Mr Shakespeare.


Heather MacGregor's infectious enthusiasm lives on.

Heather's word search is on page 3 and is interactive. Select the names with your mouse until you have found 13 kings and queens.

'What hath this day deserved? What hath it done
That it in golden letters should be set
Among the high tides in the calendar'?
Act III Sc. i.

Welcome to our 1992 winter rally here at the 
Gaydon Inn. We trust you all had a good journey 
here and didn't get lost following the change
of road numbering in the area.

'I am amazed methinks; and lose my way 
Among the thorns and dangers of this world'
Act IV Sc. iii.

John, our landlord, will be on hand throughout 
the weekend to provide refreshing drink and food; 
full meals, bar snacks and breakfasts.

Trophies will be presented late on Saturday evening 
in the bar by Adam, our Chairman. 

This is the man should do the bloody deed'
Act IV Sc. ii.

What is now termed the Heatherquiz appears on the 
next page - all correct answers will be put into 
a hat, and one quizter will perhaps get a prize- 
anyone failing to attempt the quiz will be sent 
to the tower.

We hope you will have an enjoyable weekend, and 
a safe journey home.

The above contains a collection of British Kings 
and Queens (No, not that sort!). You should be 
able to find thirteen; where there is a name with 
multiple incumbents, reference is always to the 
first. Find them, and place them in the order in 
which they reigned.

'This England never did, nor never shall, 
Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror 
But when it first did help to wound itself. 
Now these her princes are come home again, 
Come the three corners of the world in arms 
And we shall shock them! Naught shall make us rue 
If England to itself do rest but true!'
Act V sc. vii.

- Hans Mondorf