Rally Listing
ALL 2025
European information from Hans Veenendaal. This page contains details of many rallies (treffen, træf) for various countries, many are located approximately on the map.
This list is also available on smartphones at LPMCC.net/mobile/rally.htm
You have added zero rallies from this page to your own list.
Iv'e just used the QR code for the first time. Absolutely brilliant. Ideal for when you're trying to make arrangements with friends.
- Dave Barlow
Click an entry and contact the organisers before you go to any of the rallies. Sometimes dates are changed or rallies are cancelled.
AllMany rallies in European countries searched for this month.
If you go on any of these rallies (or went to a past one) I hope you will take some photos and send us a report.
Country | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
Note: Some rallies may start in one month and continue into the next. They are shown in both months but only totalled on the right once.
Download list in portable document format:
2025.pdf, updated at the same time as this page.
2024.pdf available by email from Hans Veenendaal.
The 2024.pdf is still available to download until March.
Please send your rally details for this list ...
Are you manually adding the events ?
Must be hell of an job :)
But this is the most updated page of events I know of, biggest by far :)
Well done Sir :)
- Johan Liljerstam
Nice to hear.
- Hans Veenendaal
We have tried to list our clubs summer rally with you, but without success.
Although we have completed your form online (twice) with all relevant information there has been no information on your website.
- Len Tempest
Sorry Len, no idea why your information hasn't reached us. If anyone else is having the same problem and doesn't receive a response withing 48 hours (give or take a week) please email details directly to us at lpmcc.net@gmail.com.
Moin Hans!
Immer wieder gut Deine Seite ! Nur ,achte etwas aufs Datum . Lag manchmal gut daneben.
Gruss aus dem Elchland!
- Jörn
Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort, für Korrekturen bin ich immer offen.
- Hans Veenendaal