
Jönköping Bankeryd, Sweden - VMCK club

Attended this Swedens oldest bike meet 2024.

Rally is held in end of September annually .Held in nice area, soft ground and nice blueberry covered dense forest-like camping for bikers only.

Nice foresty place, trees giving shelter and damping the possible noise.
VMCK clubhose at the end of the tarmac, where party is.

We did not arrive in time, but organizers warmly welcomed us although main evening is Friday night when club organizes cruise around area's nice scenery and historical spots. Lake nearby, but no sauna facilities.

Bands played both nights Friday and Saturday. Feeling was friendly and quite peaceful with elderly bikers greeting each others annually.

General shots from Saturday evening 7 September 2024.

Food, breakfast and refreshment available during rally at camping. Own tent is mandatory, or one may sleep in the woods and hope for good weather.

- Jurkka